Our tutors

Highly Qualified, Very Passionate, IB/IGCSE Certified

We understand how confusing it is to find the right tutor, manage your schedule, run around from one class to another and then remove time for self-study.

So we save you the effort of finding the best tuitions for you. Our tutors are carefully screened through a rigorous recruitment process of interviews, mock tutoring session & background checks.

Our tutors are highly qualified with IB/IGCSE certification and experienced in their respective fields. Each one of them is very passionate about their subjects and will guide you step by step through your entire syllabus.

Our tutors have also been through school/college and faced the same problems as you. They understand your difficulties and will be there for you to teach you, guide you and motivate you whenever you need…

They will help you identify your weaker areas and work on them until you feel confident. Our tutors will help you plan your studies and excel in your exams. They can help you with homework, projects, exams… whatever you need!

We help you with all your needs!

It doesn’t matter whether you are from IGCSE, IB.. It doesn’t matter which corner of the city you are from. It doesn’t matter if you are the class topper or struggling to pass. 


IB Economics home Tuitions Mumbai

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